Week 3&4
Following the plan is as easy as...
Choose your exercise plan
Find the correct intensity
Complete 3 sessions

Choose your exercise plan
Within MOTIVATE LJMU there are four very different exercise programmes available. Click below on each programme for the prescription:
- Strength
So first you need to choose which programme you would like to try this week. You can try more than one programme in a week, for example 1 HIIT session and 2 Strength sessions.
The videos below will explain all the exercise programmes for this week.
High Intensity
Interval Training

This week’s session will last 10 minutes in total.
You can use a variety of different exercise types for the session for example; walking, jogging, cycling or swimming.
Or follow our home-based exercise videos, just press play and follow along!
The session includes:
A 2-minute warm up
5x 1-minute of hard work (you should eb out of breath!)
5x 1-minute rest .
Watch and follow along with the HIIT exercise video

Watch and follow along with the Strength exercise video


This week’s session will last 21 minutes in total (including warm up & recovery periods).
Follow our Strength videos to follow along and for more details on the different exercises to try.
The session includes:
A 2-minute warm up jogging on the spot.
9 Strength exercises for 20 reps each.
1 minute of rest in between exercises