This page is dedicated to the MotivateRA research trial. If you are interested in taking part in the trial, or becoming a partner please contact one of the research team.
Sign Up
Meeting with a member of the team
Physical Activity Guidance
Sign up for the study on the website or by contacting a member of the research team
A member of the team will contact you so you can ask any questions and check if you are eligible to take part
A free testing kit will be delivered to your home to assess a number of health measures
You will then receive guidance on how to increase your physical activity.
The tests carried out before the 12-week study period will then be repeated at the end and 3-months later
Assessing different strategies to increase and maintain physical activity in people with RA.
In this study we are investigating the effect of a physical activity intervention on basic health outcomes. The entire intervention can be completed indepedently, including a variety of health measures.
Please read through the information sheet for more information and eligibility.
MotivateRA Resources
Meet the Team
Dr Tori Sprung
Senior Lecturer in Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Physiology
Dr Chloe Taylor
Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science
Dan Bannell
PhD Student in Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Physiology
Dr Nicola Goodson
Consultant Rheumatologist
Dr David Low
Senior Lecturer in Cardiovascular Physiology
Dr Tiago Pecanha
Post-Doctoral Researcher in Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Physiology